Popular Teeth Straightening Treatments Used by General Dentists

Teeth Straightening Englewood, NJ

Many people are surprised to learn that general dentists can administer teeth straightening treatments. There is a common misconception that teeth can only be straightened by an orthodontist; however, that is far from true. Both general and cosmetic dentists can administer certain treatments, ranging from braces to clear aligners, to help straighten the teeth. Find out more about the valuable procedures general dentists may provide.

Teeth straightening treatments offered by a general dentist

A few of the most popular treatment options for misaligned teeth offered by a general dentist are outlined below. When considering the various choices, it can be helpful to review this information. 

Traditional braces

The most popular teeth straightening treatment option is traditional braces, which are made of metal brackets and wires. General dentists recommend and administer traditional braces to individuals of all ages, including both children and adults. The treatment process is relatively simple. It starts with the dentist cementing the brackets onto the patient's teeth. Next, the wires are fed through the brackets to connect them all together.

Over the course of the treatment, the individual will visit their dentist every six to eight weeks for adjustments. As the dentist gradually increases the tension of the braces on the teeth, the pressure slowly advances the teeth into the desired position. 

Clear aligners

A more modern method of teeth straightening is clear aligners. These transparent, removable trays are custom-made to fit either the top or bottom arch. Clear aligners are typically administered to teenagers and adults since their teeth are more developed. This means they will respond better to the way the clear aligners encourage shifting. 

The process of teeth straightening through clear aligners is much easier than other methods. At the beginning of the treatment, the general dentist will provide the patient with the entire series of clear aligners. Every few weeks, the individual will visit the general dentist for checkups to monitor the shifting. Some patients respond to clear aligners differently than they do to braces. Because clear aligners are one piece, and they straighten the teeth together at one time, the teeth can shift more quickly instead of moving individually with braces. 

Ceramic braces

Another teeth straightening option is ceramic braces. These braces provide a hybrid alternative that straightens teeth the same way traditional braces work. However, they are made of ceramic material, which means the treatment process is relatively discrete. Ceramic braces rely on white ceramic brackets, which are cemented onto the teeth. The clear wires that feed through the brackets help reduce the attention drawn to the mouth. Like those who wear traditional braces, individuals with ceramic appliances visit their general dentist every six to eight weeks for adjustments. 

Learn more about teeth straightening from a general dentist

When considering treatments to straighten the teeth, conferring with a general dentist can provide helpful information and options. A general dentist can perform an evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment, which may include a type of braces or clear aligners. Reach out today to learn more or to schedule a consultation with experienced and helpful staff members.

Request an appointment here: https://www.miksadental.com or call Advanced Dental Care of Englewood at (201) 579-6674 for an appointment in our Englewood office. 

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Straightening in Englewood, NJ.

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